Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stinging Nettle Pesto YUM

wow soooo much nettle! an abundance. So we dehydrated bunches for tea....which by the way is amazzing served with lemon balm and spearmint. A perfect combination, i found!

Stinging Nettle is loaded in Iron, research says even more than in swiss chard! We made delicious Soups and the most incredible Pesto dip.

Blanch the Stinging Nettle briefly in boiled water to take away the sting.

Then strain and chop up fine and combine with the following ingredients~ a mortar & pestle works best!
~garlic cloves~pine nuts ~olive oil ~parmesan
and En JoY!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

SPring Time on Pender Island

Spring Journeys through the southern gulf islands with SiStars! mmmm tree blossoms and daffodils springing up everywhere. The rebirth is here and its time to reJoyce, for everything is waking up!